How often should I release podcast episodes


I’m talking frequency today and not in an audio nerd way, but in terms of how often you should be putting your podcast episodes out there. In an ideal world, you’d be trying for at least 1 or 2 episodes a week, but there are other factors you need to consider before you get going.

In this episode, I share some tips to help you get organised and determine an episode frequency that’s realistic for you to achieve. I talk about batching episodes, the importance of being consistent and the benefits of using a production schedule to map out future episodes.



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    How often should I release my episodes?

    This is a fun one to answer. And this is what we're going to go through today in this episode, the first question to ask yourself, when you're wondering whether you should, you know, be more frequent or less frequent or whatever with your podcast is, how much time do you actually have to commit to it, because that's the thing that's going to be the driver for everything else, you have to think about your plan, as far as what else is happening in your life in your week, that kind of thing, to be realistic as to how much you can actually get through, and how often you think you can actually commit to recording the episodes.

    Now, if you are a person that can batch your episodes, which I highly recommend, then I would say, you know, carve out some time to do for six episodes in a day, if they're short. Or if they're long, you might only get through two or something. But carve out some time where you can actually batch the episodes so that it's not like you're having to keep up with things, and on the fly so much.

    So that's something to kind of think about there, how much time do you actually have that you can commit to the show. And that's going to be the key decision maker as to how often you can actually release.

    Now as far as from a statistical point of view, you should be releasing once a week, at least to actually see the growth that you would hope for in your podcast, once a week, if you can get to bi weekly, twice a week, then that is even better. And I know that from the statistics that we see clients releasing on different schedules with the client, same kind of social media following and all the other kinds of metrics are similar, the ones that release more frequently have a better growth of the podcast and a better growth of the business overall.

    So if you can get to once a week, twice a week, go for it. But the thing is, is that you have to be super organised to actually make that and let that happen. That is why I'm showing you something here if you're watching this on YouTube, a production schedule that we have that all our clients use. And you can actually download this for free, using the link that I'll put in the show notes in the description. This is just the Production Schedule Template.

    Now within this is all the things so this is where you can sort of map out all your episodes and go through and start to actually put these things in this will help you batch it, because you can see a bunch of topics there and you can write them in and it also just keeps you really organised. So releasing frequently means well, any frequency really, but it means that you have to have a plan in place. And I have found that this particular production schedule is the best way to do that really quick and easy thing to use. So you're not filling in a bunch of stuff, it just gives you the key things.

    So a title, your guest, when you're recording it, when the release is any specific notes. Like if you have a guest on your show, you might want to put a note in there. Oh, yeah, they mentioned this code and make sure I put that in. And then the last column is the embed code. So once you've actually uploaded that you can get an embed code and that goes in this production schedule to just so that it's all in a really easy place to access. If you're wanting to then put it like that embed code on your website or somewhere else.

    This production schedule has been proven to work really well to actually help with your consistency and with your frequency of things. What I'm saying here is that it's important to have a plan in place. And that is going to help you grow your show and actually get your show the consistency that you're hoping for.

    Don't try and release all the things and do all the things straightaway upfront go right, I'm going to go twice a week from the get go blah, blah, blah. If you haven't thought about the schedule of your week, and what you can actually achieve, because you're just going to disappoint yourself, you're going to disappoint other people as well. If you say you're going to commit to something and then you don't, the most important thing is to be consistent with whatever schedule you run with, whether that's fortnightly weekly, or bi weekly or daily, whatever it is, that consistency has to be there. So you have to be organised.

    You have to map things out you have to really think about before you get going, what you think you can achieve and then stick to that. If you need to start with fortnightly and then work yourself up once you're in the rhythm of it to go okay, cool. I think I can commit to this. So I'm gonna go to weekly now and I'm gonna go weekly from this date onwards. That's a really good thing to do. Start less frequent and move yourself And we've had clients that do that. And that works really well. You just need to be realistic with who you are, what else is going on in your life and what you think you can actually be consistent with, then have a plan in place, have a production schedule that you map out, and then run with it and have fun, and batch if you can do as much batching as you can.

    So if you want to access this Production Schedule Template, please access it via the link that I will include in the show notes in the description for you, you can go ahead and use that brand and make it look however you want it to look. And just yeah, have a lot of fun.

    If you have any other questions, you can head to our website, Bambi And if you're interested in our courses, then you can go to the creative branding And there'll be links to those as well. For more information on any of that. That's it. Have a lovely day, and I will speak to you next time.

    If you're listening to this podcast before June 7 2021. I'm giving you a special little thing for being a part of this pump up the pod community. And that is pumped up the pod the course is coming. It's coming on June 7, that's when it's launching. That's the date when it's launching. And you're getting $200 off because you listen to this podcast because you are here from the very beginning.

    So if that is something that interests you, and you want to learn how to grow your show, how to monetize it really well and do it with me, coaching calls, there's eight of them. It's a group coaching call situation, you get access to this thing for four months. It's kick ass, I'm really proud of it and I would love to see you on the inside of it.

    Do the thing, click on the link in the show description and go and check it out. Sign up. We start on June 8. It's going to be great and I would love to have you in there. Okay, bye


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