Is my podcast worth doing if the market feels flooded

Is my podcast worth doing if the market feels flooded

Are you feeling like starting a podcast is just not worth doing because the market is already flooded? 

We’ve all seen the enormous list of podcast shows on Spotify and Apple - is there any point in starting another one? 

I get this question over and over from clients. 

But guess what? It doesn’t matter! 

There are thousands of different coaches, marketing experts, business strategists in the market but people will always choose someone that resonates with them - it doesn’t matter how many there are out there. 

Most business owners start a podcast to support other areas of their business. It’s a brilliant way to show your potential audience more about yourself and your business - Instagram and websites can only go so far. You can share a deeper, more personal level by filling your audience’s ears every week. 

Podcasts even have a 98% engagement rate! Listeners tend to stay to the end of each episode to feel connected to you and your message. 

So go ahead and pick up the microphone today - you’ll thank yourself later. 



  • Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod so I had a question on my Instagram last week that I thought was a really good one to cover on the Pump Up Your Pod podcast. So I'm here answering that question right now. Basically, I was on my Insta Stories saying if anyone had any questions about the let's get launcher course, which is currently open, accepting applications will not even accepting applications, you can just get in there and start doing stuff, which is cool.

    And one of the questions was, I've been thinking about launching a podcast for a while, but I feel like my area is flooded, as in the market is flooded? Is it worth still producing a podcast? This is one of the questions that I actually do get a lot when I'm having consults that people think that because there's a lot of other podcasts that discuss the thing that they discuss, let's say it's marketing, or finance, or, you know, business coaching, life coaching or whatever they think that oh, man, there's so many podcasts already that talk about it, why would I bother doing one. And it doesn't matter if there are others that are in your same area, because you're only speaking to the audience that you have, you are going to attract a certain person, and you are going to be able to provide them information that makes sense for them. You know, there's 1000s of different business coaches, there's 1000s of different marketing specialists, but they all have their own demographic, their own target. And a lot of the time a podcast is started to support the other areas of your business.

    So let's say you have a Instagram or LinkedIn profile at the moment, and you're supporting people that way you're providing them with lots of content and all that sort of thing within there, they are really starting to get to know you, they found you through word of mouth or through Instagram ads or things like that. And, yeah, they come to your page to your Instagram, to your LinkedIn to your website. And they want to know more about you. And so they look through your posts, they look at your artwork, your graphics, the things that you're sharing, and they get a sense of who you are from there. And that's kind of as far as they can take it. Unless you have a podcast or a video channel, maybe you're on YouTube or that sort of thing.

    The purpose of the podcast is for them to be able to get to know you on a deeper level, gain more information from you that feels more personal. So just like I'm delivering now, certainly I can talk about this stuff on my Instagram, and I do on my Insta Stories, but it's like 32nd grabs, and you can't really guarantee the people that are watching those stories are actually interested in that particular bit of information. Whereas if you have a podcast and your podcast is on a certain topic, you know that anyone that's listening to that is interested in that thing. So you can be a lot more targeted in what you're delivering, the way you're delivering and who you're trying to target within that market.

    So I say don't worry at all about there being other podcasts that are like yours, you're only you, as in unless you're trying to copycat someone else, which of course, I do not recommend. But the way you deliver the information is going to be very different to the way someone else can deliver that information. And the person that wants to work with you will want to go further find out more about you see what else they can do, see how they can learn from you. And one of the best ways to actually capture someone's attention. And to help them feel like they can really trust you and that they want to work with you is through a podcast, you have a 98% engagement rate, as in they will listen most of the time to a full episode. And that can be anywhere from four minutes long, all the way through till tomorrow about 25 to 30 minutes, you see that the engagement rate is still very high. So they have you in their ears for that length of time listening to you trusting your information and feeling like you're just a good person. That engagement rate is huge.

    So don't let it mean, there's so much competition, I'm not going to be able to provide anything different. You need to get out of your head about that. You will reach the person that you're trying to reach. If you're consistently releasing if you're providing quality content. All the things that I've mentioned in the podcast before don't worry about the market being flooded and I'm doing you know air quotes here. Podcasting is only really just starting to take off In Australia 50% growth in the last 12 months as far as listenership, and it's just gonna keep going up. So if you like talking, then I would say, start a podcast and see how it goes. And as you will have heard, I do have a course let's get launchy that will help you launch your show yourself, goes through all the steps. And you can certainly do that by clicking on the shownotes there to find out more information. If you just want to join a free community, you can head to the pod as well. That's where I hang out and curate a bit of information. And yeah, just have fun with it. And have a great day.


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