The best podcast hosting platform

The best podcast hosting platform

So you’ve got your super awesome podcast episodes recorded and ready to go. What’s the next step?

How the heck do you get your episodes on a platform so that people can hear them?

This is where a podcast host comes in. You’ll need one of those to get your podcast onto all the platforms for all the ears to hear. 

There are a lot of podcast hosts out there and my pick of the litter is without a doubt, Buzzsprout. Trust me, I’ve used them all. Some are free, some cost a bit of money. Some are great and give you a whole bunch of other benefits and some are pretty clunky and annoying to use. 

In this episode, I tell you all about why I love Buzzsprout so much and some of the great features it has. I definitely recommend you go sign up if you haven’t already.



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    Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod let's say you've recorded your podcast episodes, the sound and pretty good. You want to get them out there to the world. You want everyone to hear them. And then you're like, how do I do that? What's the next step? I have my episodes that sounded pretty cool. How do I get them on Apple? How do I get them on Spotify? How do I get them on any platform so anyone can hear them. That is where a podcast host comes in, you need one. At this point in time, they are actually will Apple has come out with a option to not need a podcast host you can actually just upload it straight to Apple podcasts and not have a host. But the problem with that is that it's then only going to be on Apple podcasts. It's actually Spotify is just about overtaking it for listenership worldwide. So it doesn't make sense for you to just be on Apple podcasts. So you'll need a host.

    Now there are many different ways to host your podcast, you can if you have a Squarespace site, you can host it directly on there, you can host it through SoundCloud. Like there's free ways or if you have a Squarespace site, obviously you're paying for Squarespace hosting, there are free ways to do it. Anchor is another way to do it, I just don't recommend any of the places that are free. Because nothing ever comes for free. And truly, and you're not going to get the kind of statistics that you want to get, you're not going to get the kind of support that you want to get, you're not going to have the experience that you want to have if you're hosting your podcast on a free platform. So if you're just starting out, you've got literally no money, then you can do a free host, that's fine. But if you have, you know, nine US dollars a month to spare, then I would say absolutely, please get a podcast host. And I'm not going to go through all of them today, because that's just a waste of time, I have used pretty much all of them.

    So there are hosts pod bean Buzzsprout, blueberry, anchor Bushka, like just so many different podcasts hosts, they all have different price points. But they all do pretty much the same thing. Lipson is another one. And the differences are basically in the way it looks in the back end, the customer service that you receive. And sometimes the statistics that you receive, depending on the platform that you're on. Now, my pick of the litter and the one I definitely recommend, as I've said I've used all of them is Buzzsprout. And I like Buzzsprout because mainly Well, actually, there's a few things. One of them is it's really customer focused, like when you log into Buzzsprout, the back end looks really good, it's easy to find what you need to do, it's a very quick way to sort of set it up, you've got different distribution channels that you can go through through Buzzsprout very easily. Their statistics are awesome. They give you little badges and things as you complete milestones, you know, you reach 50, downloads, 100, downloads, all those sorts of things, you get these little badges, which you know, it's it's fun to gamify, that sort of stuff.

    And I've also found that whenever I've had any issue with anything, their customer service is kick ass, like it's really easy to get in touch with them, send them an email in support, and they get back to you really quickly. If you're based in Australia, obviously, there is sometimes a lag depending on what time of day you contact them. But I have found them to be really quick and easy to contact. The statistics are on point. They have everything that you need there, which is really good. And it's just a great service. It's not expensive, like it's I think it's actually cheaper than a few of them. There's different models. Oh, and the other thing that's great about Buzzsprout is their pricing platforms don't charge you based on the amount of data you upload. So some of the platforms like blueberry and Libsyn. You'll see in their in their packages in their pricing models that goes up based on how much data you upload. Let's say you have a long episode, then it chews through the data. And even if it's a shorter episode, let's say you wanted to upload a WAV file which is the higher quality audio format, then you get penalised for wanting to upload something with a higher rate like a higher sound quality on blueberry or Libsyn, all those sorts of things so you can actually upload the highest quality stuff because you get penalised for it. So that's one of the reasons why Buzzsprout is good is because it doesn't charge you based on how much data you're using. It charges you based on how many hours you're uploading. So the lowest setting I believe is like us $9 A month and it's for up to three hours of content. So When you compare that to other platforms where they using based on data, to get that same amount of level, it costs you a lot more. So that does just doesn't make sense to me why you would do that. Because through Buzzsprout, you can upload wav files if you want to, which are higher quality format, and you're not getting penalised for that. It's still just how many hours of content you've uploaded, which is really cool.

    The other thing I like about Buzzsprout is they've got a great podcast of their own, it's really fun to listen to. They're just a fun bunch of dudes there. And they have a YouTube channel. So they're really committed to helping the industry and providing educational material of their own. So I really like that, like their value and mission really aligns with me. So that's another reason why they also have this area of the site where they actually go through all the stats for all their users as well, which is awesome. It just gives you a bit of a snapshot into how the podcasting industry is going, or how many people are on Buzzsprout, how they're listening, what they're listening to a whole bunch of different metrics. So it's fun to see that as well. And that's why I recommend them like it's it's multi fold here. I am an affiliate of theirs. And that's just because I love them. So if you want to sign up to Buzzsprout as your podcast host, I would highly recommend it and you can use my link there, I get a little kickback for that, which is nice. But I've just found them to be the best host the best customer service, they gamify things with their little badges. And their stats are really good. So it hits every single box for me, and I would highly recommend giving them a go.

    If you want to find out a way to work with Bamby Media, you can go to our website, Bamby And there's a bunch of information there. If you would like to join a free community of curated material that I put up every now and again and there's a bunch of members in there, you can go to the pod and just join us in there. If you haven't launched your podcast yet, it's a great resource, great place to go and see all the stuff that I've put in there and the things that I add in as we go. And there'll also be the option to join the let's get launchy course when I finished developing that and put it out there to the world, which is for those that haven't had a podcast yet and they want to launch one that's going to be a course that you can do to actually get your show out there and that sort of stuff as well. So all the good things and I hope you have a lovely day. Thanks for joining me here on Pump Up Your Pod

Resources Mentioned:



The Pod Lovers Free Community

Let’s Get Launchy Program


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