The best way to transcribe your podcast


There are many reasons why you might want to transcribe your podcast.

Maybe you want to make your podcast accessible to those who are unable to hear.

You want to reach an audience that prefers to read than listen.

You want to make it easier for people to find the information that you mention in the podcast, so that they can get the takeaways or key info.

Transcribing your podcast is a great way to do all of those things, and today I want to walk you through the ways that you’re able to transcribe.

In this episode, I run through different services you can use to transcribe your show, the pros and cons of each and I talk a little about which services I prefer to use and why.

The biggest deciding factor as to how you want to transcribe your shows will always be a cost vs time conversation.

If you are on a smaller budget but have time to devote to proofreading, AI will be fine. If you don’t have time, and your budget allows for a human transcription, that is absolutely my preference.




  • 00:00
    Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod What's going on everybody? Welcome back to Pump Up Your Pod with me, Brianna from Bamby Media.

    Today I'm going to go through transcriptions and why you would have them with your podcast should you should you not all the things and then the different types of services that you can actually use to transcribe your show? Alrighty, so why would you transcribe it now the biggest reason why you would transcribe it is because you would like to connect with all of those people that cannot hear, or that are hard of hearing, or those that really prefer to actually just read instead of listen, they want to skim their skimmers, that sort of thing.

    So there's a few reasons why you would transcribe and I'm going to give you a few options as to how to transcribe. Now one of my favourites is happy scribe happy is a service which is an AI service. So it transcribes things using AI technology, you feed it audio in mp3 form or web, and then it spits it out, and then you have to edit it. So I want to show you an example of why this is time consuming as hell to do it this way. So if you're wanting it to be grammatically correct, and you want it to look good, and that sort of thing, it takes a lot of time to do this really well. And I would suggest if you're on the podcast, definitely go and check out the video version, if you're really interested in like a full review of how the transcription stuff actually looks from the back end.

    So this is one of our clients theory of creativity. This is for an episode that they have already released. Fantastic client, lovely podcast, super interesting. We fed this into our transcription because we were looking for a particular word or words that needed to be fixed. And this is the quickest way to do that. So it's been through here and you can see that there are a lot of errors, anything that's red is like something that they weren't sure of that the AI wasn't sure of. So there's, you know, a lot of that stuff in here. You know, there's things that are grammatically incorrect, there's full stops, where there shouldn't be full stops, there's no it's not something that then you would just leave like this, unless you don't care. Like, unless you feel like look, you know, it's done, that's enough, I'm just going to put it on the site as is. And then people will just have to get over the fact that it's not grammatically correct, you know, just done is better than perfect. For some people. I personally love that motto.

    But it depends on how professional you want to make this look and how it's going to be on your website. So if it's just a downloadable, that's like an extra bit of content resource that they can have, then you could probably do it like this. But if you're actually wanting to make it look really good, so that it looks good on your website, then you got to read through this and fix it all up. And if it's a long enough episode, it takes a considerable amount of time, you know, you've got a 30 or 40 minute episode that then you've got to listen through and then correct, it's going to take you at least an hour, an hour and a half. To actually fix it all up. I would say verging on closer to two from my brain, as far as when I go through things, I want it to look really good, then it's got to be really, really grammatically looking good. So that's my only kind of downfall with an AI type thing. If you care about it looking or being grammatically correct. I wouldn't waste the time on doing it this way personally, and I don't, we don't we don't do this for bigger transcriptions that we want to look good.

    If you want it to look good, get it done by a person. And the quickest way to do that is So is where you can actually order all sorts of different things. I like happy scribe better for AI. I like rev better for people. So you actually submit an order, you can do the transcription. And then from there, you upload an mp3. And you can select things like rush my order if you need it to be done really quickly if you need timestamps, if it needs to be verbatim, or if you need an instant first draft, which is that AI first draft. So you just pop it in there and then you can give it a reference name if you need to. And then you just hit checkout, and then it's done really quick, depending on the length of the episode and a human has done it which I really, really like. And then you can download it in all sorts of ways, that sort of thing and you're ready to go.

    So do this is what I'm saying. If you want it to look good do that because If you don't even I mean other than there'll be some inaudible stuff that they might not understand the language that the Australian accent might be a bit hard for them to understand they're based in the US, they're based wherever. These are people, real people all over the world that have signed up to be transcriptionists through rev, and they have to do rigorous testing. I know because I was a rev transcriptionist, back in the day when I first started, so you have to be good, and you get rated and that sort of thing. So it's really like a very good service for that. So definitely do that. And if you're interested in that, click on the description links and for rev, you should get your first $10 off by using the link that I have there.

    The other thing I wanted to show you is how you would use it then on your site. So if you get a person to transcribe it, then you can put it and I'm going to use my good may Brendon Burchard, because he's frickin awesome. And he does a really good job of repurposing his content. on his site for every single episode, he's got a whole bunch of stuff happening, you know, he's got the quotes, he's got the show notes, he's got all the things he shares on his socials. But down the bottom, he's got a full transcript. And you can see, it's the full flippin thing, but it looks really, really good. And this is what I mean, by putting time and effort into it. If you're going to use it on your actual website, you can't really do the AI version because it will look like a piece of poo.

    So you need to put time into it. Either way, there's going to be a time cost for you to do it yourself. And grammatically check it or there's going to be a money cost for to do it. That's $1.25 American, per minute to do that, versus you know, the AI is 10 cents per minute or something. So it was way cheaper, but takes a lot of your personal time or your assistants time or someone else's time to actually fix it all up.

    That is my little debrief on transcription. The two ways to do it, what your preference is, depending on the length of the episode, what you need done, happy Scribe is my jam for the transcriptions that are AI. And is my jam for if you want a person to do it, and you want a person to do it quickly, all the information and links you need will be in the description on this one. And if you need any further information, go to There's a whole bunch of stuff that we can do for you over there. If you are interested in any of our courses, go to creative branding And I hope you have a lovely day.


Resources mentioned: use this link and you'll get $10 off your first order



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