The push towards video podcasting

The push towards video podcasting

I recently attended one of the biggest global podcasting conferences, ‘Podcast Movement Evolutions’ and thoroughly enjoyed exploring how the American podcasting market (which is much further ahead) can be applied to us here in Australia. 

One of the biggest takeaways was - video podcasting. 

YouTube has announced its new podcasting department. This is going to change the way we listen to and WATCH podcasts. There is a massive push from YouTube for podcasters to put their shows on YouTube. 

This could mean that you can access a brand new audience but what does this mean logistically? 

Do you need to have a professional set up and film your podcast episodes each week? 

No, don’t stress. But consider looking at having a presence on YouTube because they’ll be pushing this new department hard. 

You could do shorts and have an entire channel that’s just snippets of guests and episodes that have amazing content. 

Spotify and Twitter have also just announced their video podcasting platform. It’s still early days but it’s another medium you can look at uploading your videos, but you can’t monetize videos on Spotify so if you had to do one - just consider YouTube. 

Video podcasting is definitely a very effective way to grab your audience’s engagement and attention - even if it’s only a short snippet, so why not get creative and try something new? 



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    Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod so recently I attended a conference over in the US, I didn't go to the US, I stayed in my comfy lounge room and woke up at 2am and attended the conference from the comfort of my couch. Now, the conference was called the Podcast Movement evolutions It was held in LA, it is one of the biggest podcasting conferences that exist globally. And the kind of thing that I'm very interested in going to, because of the fact that the US is so far ahead of us.

    So what I do is I pick up on what is working for a market that's already been going. And then I look at how that's going to be applied to our market to the Australian market. So I have a few takeaways and a few things that I've really felt were very valuable and things that I think you should be thinking about moving forward and are certainly going to shape what we do here, what we promote what we provide as services for Bamby. Media in the coming weeks, months, Gears excetera.

    The biggest thing to come out of this so far is that YouTube has announced their podcasting department, they have a whole area of their whole thing, which is devoted to podcasting and promoting podcasting and make it more of a viable thing. So this means that there's going to be a significant shift in the way that we listen to podcasts, watch podcasts, I guess, is what I should say here. There is a massive push for people to and of course, this push is coming from YouTube, because they are a video platform for people to put their shows on YouTube. And it makes sense because YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world other than Google just going and typing something into Google. So if your podcast is on YouTube, then it means that people are going to be able to find it there and then connect with it.

    A mass amount of new listeners could come to you by having your show on YouTube. And what does that mean? Does it mean you have to, you know, record your whole thing with a proper video setup and all the production that's required with that and all those sorts of things? I mean, no, it doesn't, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to do that. But it means that you should be thinking about having some sort of presence on YouTube, because we know that they're going to push it that they're going to promote it that it's going to be something that is worthwhile, absolutely worthwhile doing. So if you don't feel like you can record the whole thing, and it's a fancy video sort of setup, then I will be playing with the idea of perhaps doing shorts. So one minute or less, especially if you're already using Riverside FM to record your guest episodes, then why not put little short grabs little snippets onto YouTube, for the shorts format. And you could have a whole channel that's just shorts, just snippets for that particular show. And it's a place that people could go to actually find you and make it easier to do. So that's something to think about the way you want to attack potentially being on YouTube is up to you. And maybe you just think, look, I can't be bothered, that's too much effort. That's fine, too. But from what I've read, and from what I've heard, from what I've witnessed in the podcasting conference that I just attended, it is certainly something that is going to be pushing pretty hard.

    The next thing is that Spotify has also announced their video podcasting platform. So it's still early days there for them, they are making it possible so that you can actually watch video podcasts from within the Spotify app. And as to how I feel about that, I feel like it's just kind of the same thing as YouTube. But you can do more with YouTube than you can with Spotify. And also, you can't monetize Spotify for video yet. So that wouldn't be something that I would be particularly attached to doing at this point. But we know that it's coming. So again, that's another push towards Hey, we think video is something that podcasters should be doing.

    We also know that Twitter is working on a podcasting tab for their mobile app. So that's something that's coming there. Twitter is a huge platform, especially in the US and especially for more news related programming or comedy or things like that. And people just want to have short little conversations and it's huge. So it makes sense that they're adding podcasting to a tab to an area where people can access. So that's coming to Whoo.

    And then we are also finding that podcasters are using Tik Tok very effectively to promote their shows. So, I'm not on Tik Tok yet. Bamby Media isn't on Tik Tok. But we are 100% going to get onto that platform and start playing with it. I've been connecting with it a bit more and watching some things that obviously come from Tik Tok. But that's definitely an avenue that needs to be explored. The algorithm is much nicer at this point, it's much more searchable to find things. So it should be an area that you're thinking about.

    So this is the biggest takeaway, I guess from all those things that I've shared there, as you'll kind of get the theme for this is this is all video related content, and take from that what you will. But for me, it makes a lot of sense. It used to be that, especially for your social platforms, you could share, you know, the audio grammes and things like that, that we create for people, you could have a nice little caption thing with a picture of the guest and little waveform and those sorts of things. And you get a pretty decent engagement from that it would be pretty good because it was new people weren't used to seeing that sort of thing like an animated type social feed, graphic. But now people are quite used to that. And unless it's designed really quite well, and it looks very different. It's not something that's going to grab as much engagement as an actual video will. It doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, it just means that I would switch it up a bit. If you have the capability to record a video to go with your show, even if it's a short little snippet, or maybe you're doing a little promo, maybe you've recorded the episode. And you just have a little short primer that you shoot on your phone, or Hey guys, this week, I'm talking about x y Zed, come and connect with me here, blah, blah, blah, so that it's an actual face. People will connect with that on a higher level will engage with that, or at least have you have more of a chance of people engaging with that because it's a face that's moving and changing and those sorts of things, versus static graphics or audiograms.

    So that's something we are definitely going to be pushing for clients new and existing to say, Hey, how about you try videoing a little bit and we'll put a little bit of branding in there and make it fun and that sort of thing so that you can share and be involved more and have the opportunity to be on YouTube in your shorts to get on Tik Tok, if you want to share it to your reels on Instagram, those sorts of things, and make it a bit more interesting than just the audio grammes with captions. Again, not saying you shouldn't do that, we will still be providing that as a service. But know that your engagement won't be as high as if you are sharing an actual video. So that's my big takeaway from the Podcast Movement,


    YouTube video. It is coming, be prepared for it. And yeah, that's what's going on in the podcasting space. If you need any extra info head to Bamby you can find out what we do there. You can also join our free community, the pod And that has all the juicy bits that I go into there where I curate information, share it to that platform for people that I know are specifically interested in learning about podcasting. Okay, that's it guys. Have a lovely week and I will talk to you later.


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