Tools we love for podcast content ideation


In the world of podcasting, the key to a successful show lies in the quality of its content. We've all heard the phrase "Content is King," and it couldn't be more true for podcasts. But how do you consistently find good content to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more? Today I’m exploring some effective strategies to help you discover and create great content for your podcast.

Repurposing Your Blog:

If you already have a blog, it can serve as a gold mine of potential podcast episodes. Take a moment to revisit your blog pages and identify topics that you can repurpose for your podcast. You can also have a look at your website analytics to identify which blog posts receive the most traffic. This approach offers two major advantages: it saves you time and effort by repurposing existing content, and it allows you to draw upon your expertise in those topics. By repackaging your blog content into engaging podcast episodes, you can easily provide value to your listeners.

Tapping into Analytics:

Another super effective way to generate podcast content is by analysing the performance of your social media content., Explore the insights section of your social media channels, such as Instagram, and find your best-performing posts. If these posts can be adapted into podcast episodes, it's a great opportunity to leverage content that has already resonated with your audience.

Understanding Search Demand:

To further enhance your podcast's reach and target specific topics of interest, it's essential to identify what people are searching for. Fortunately, several tools can help you unearth these insights. One powerful tool is YouTube itself. By conducting a simple search on YouTube using relevant keywords, you can discover the most commonly searched terms related to your topic. This gives you a clear indication of the content that people actively seek. Considering these frequently searched terms when crafting podcast episodes can attract a larger audience interested in those topics.

Answer The Public:

Answer The Public is another valuable tool for uncovering questions and queries people have about specific keywords. Enter your desired keyword, such as "money mindset," and it will generate a variety of relevant questions. These questions can serve as inspiration for podcast episode topics. For example, if "how to improve money mindset" is one of the questions, it presents an opportunity for you to share your insights and tips on the topic. By addressing the questions people are asking, you position yourself as a thought leader in your niche.

Harnessing the Power of vidIQ:

If you're looking for a game-changing tool, vidIQ is worth exploring. While primarily designed for YouTube, its keywording functionality can help you identify topics with high search volume and low competition. This knowledge allows you to strategically select podcast episode topics that have the potential to attract a larger audience. By focusing on topics that have proven demand, you can optimise your chances of reaching more people and growing your podcast.

When it comes to creating content for your podcast that you know will land well, a strategic approach is key. By repurposing existing blog content, analysing your analytics, understanding search demand, and using tools like vidIQ, you can consistently discover and develop engaging episodes that resonate with your audience. Good content combined with the power of your fabulous personality is the recipe for podcast success. So, step up your content planning game and stop waiting until the last minute to record whatever pops into your head.



  • [00:00:00] Brianna: What you decide to release as content for your podcast is going to make or break your show. Content is king. We've heard it. We've heard it a million times. Has it sunk in yet? Today I'm going to go through a couple of ideas that I have as to how to actually help yourself get good content I've done some masterclasses before where I've surveyed the audience and asked them how they get new content for their shows.

    [00:00:35] And a lot of them say they ask their audience, they ask their listeners, whatever comes up in their consults, they'll do podcast episodes on. And that's all well and good, but it only gets you so far, right? There's not that many topics potentially that you can get from what is essentially your small ish podcast.

    [00:00:54] audience, let's say it's smallish, asking them might not actually be the target that you're going for either. So you might have people engaging with you on social media or on your podcast that aren't who you want. Okay, so what you're trying to get to are the people that you actually want to engage with your content, to listen to your podcast, to watch your YouTube videos.

    [00:01:18] And so in order to do that, you need to be a bit more strategic in how you're forming your content around it. Number one, the first way that you can find content for your podcast is if you have a blog already that you haven't. Tapped into for your podcast go back to those blog pages and start just repurposing that.

    [00:01:36] Grab some of the things that you've already done, make it easy for yourself, and give yourself some easy wins. Because if you have stuff you've written about before, you should Already be knowledgeable about that thing and it should be easy for you to talk on it. So that would be the first way that I would say to go and engage with it.

    [00:01:54] And if you want to go a little bit deeper even with that is if you do have a blog, then you can go to the analytics [00:02:00] section of your website and just check to see what the best performing blog pages are and do episodes just on those. The second way that you can do it is you can actually also look in the insights in the back end of your social media channels.

    [00:02:14] So if you go to insights, let's say an Instagram, and you look through and you can find some of your best performing posts on there. If they can be turned into podcast episodes, then 100 percent do that. Again, it's another very easy way to engage, to get content, because it's already tried and tested, and people already like it.

    [00:02:35] They've already said they do, so it should be easy for you to then create a podcast or video episode on that thing, because you can see it's already worked once. And if it's worked once, then it will work again. So, that's another. Quick and easy way to establish that. Anywhere that you have metrics around something that you've already done that isn't a podcast episode, look at those metrics, apply it, create podcast episodes around it.

    [00:03:04] Now the next thing that we're going to talk about are three different that you can use to try and establish content that people are actually searching for. Meaning that you're going to be able to target. What you want. The first tool we're going to have a look at is just using YouTube itself.

    [00:03:23] So, if we go just to YouTube, the easiest thing to do is let's say you wanted to talk on money mindset. The things that come up here are the most commonly searched terms for that key phrase, money mindset. So money mindset meditation is the first thing that comes up.

    [00:03:42] So if money mindset is your jam, absolutely, I would recommend that you have some episodes that are short meditations, you put some background music in and they feel really Good and solid. You know that people want it because it's already there.

    [00:03:55] People already search for it. YouTube. [00:04:00] The next thing that you could do is you can use a tool called AnswerThePublic. Now, Answer the Public has a free version, which you don't get a lot of searches for, but you can also pay for it.

    [00:04:10] I think it starts at around 9 US a month for 100 searches a day, which would be more than enough. but let's just try this out as a tool. So if we type the same thing in, money mindset, and what we're going to find is it's going to show us different questions that people ask about that key phrase. So we've got 21 questions about money mindset. first up you can see how to improve money mindset.

    [00:04:40] That's a very simple, easy topic that. You could touch on how to change your money mindset, why money mindset is important. if you're good with your key phrasing, because sometimes it can be too broad and you just get. responses that aren't really that helpful.

    [00:04:56] But if you can work on the actual key phrasing that you're using there, then you should be able to get some solid results here from a content perspective that then you can build off and create a stack of content that you can work within. Now, my absolute favorite tool is vidIQ, but that is because we have a YouTube channel, although it will work regardless because it's just a great tool. Keywording sort of function. If you go to the keyword section of vidIQ, let's say, for example, I wanted to do a video on a particular microphone that I love.

    [00:05:30] So let's say it's the Rode PodMic and I would just go search and I want to know whether it's worth doing a podcast episode or a YouTube video on that topic, on that thing. It's showing you here that the search volume is high. But the competition is pretty low, and so it says overall, hey, this is definitely something you should look at doing a video for, I love this as a tool because it helps my thoughts get [00:06:00] segmented into, if I search for something and the competition's really high and the, the, you know, the search volume is, is low, then I'm not going to bother. Like, I'm not going to do a video on that because there's too many other things that already exist for that and not many people are, searching for it, you know?

    [00:06:16] So I want it to hit. the right metric. Especially when you're first starting to grow and you're wanting to establish yourself, then don't go for things potentially that aren't proven. Do stuff that's going to be more of a sure thing to get that under your belt. And then as you progress, then maybe you can start to be a little bit more, more obscure and do the things that are a little bit kind of quirkier or you probably have a smaller audience.

    [00:06:46] But if, if the point is to grow and reach more people, then you want to try and do that more strategically by having content that makes more sense in that space. So that's why I say vidIQ is actually a game changing tool. Like I really, really enjoy using it and I would recommend it to you for sure.

    [00:07:04] I'll put a link in the description below. We are an affiliate of vidIQ. We only affiliate with things that we actually use and we love. And this is one of them. So if you want to sign up using that link, then that helps us out. And that's really nice. Thank you very much. If you want help building out a content plan, let's say you're going into this next year and you feel like you want someone to help you build out the content to make sure it's good, to make sure it's structured, to do the keywords. So if you're searching for you, all that sort of stuff, then you can definitely book in for a content planning strategy session with us here.

    [00:07:38] We've got consult links in the description below. You can also look at potentially joining our pod coach service, which is a three month minimum commitment where we go through and handhold with you and help you establish what it is you should be working on in your podcast and help you grow it through metrics that actually matter. So there'll be links to those things in the description [00:08:00] below. I hope that the content planning here makes sense to you now.

    [00:08:04] There are some really good tools both free and paid that you can go to. And you can use them to make your content better. Because at the end of the day, that is what people are going to come back for. If your content is good, and you have a personality, you will get people listening, engaging, watching your show.

    [00:08:25] You just need to make sure that you're not flying by the seat of your pants all the time. And just, oh crap, what am I going to speak on this week? And just thinking of it. Sometimes that works, but if you're trying to grow further, if you're trying to reach more people, if you're trying to make bigger impact, if you're trying to, get new people into your world, it helps.

    [00:08:44] strategy around your content is going to be where it's at. Absolutely. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. I hope you've had a lovely day and I will chat with you next time. Bye.


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