Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod


Welcome to the first ever episode of Pump Up Your Pod! I’m obsessed with sound and for the last 6 years, I’ve been having the best time of my life as head honcho at Bamby Media. We know HEAPS about podcasting, working with over 70 global clients to create their digital content, and this show is all about helping you make YOUR podcast kick ass.

I’ll be sharing tips, providing training, answering your questions down to the nitty gritty stuff and generally supporting you to help you pump up your podcast and have fun doing it. When you do it right, your business, your personal brand and your reach is only ever going to expand. What’s not to love about that?

In this trailer episode, I share a bit about myself, how I got into the fascinating world of podcasting and why you should listen to me when it comes to making your podcast better. Thanks for coming along for the ride. I guarantee it’s going to be fun!



  • Welcome to pump up your pod.

    I'm Brianna, I'm the host of this show and the head honcho at Bamby Media. What we do, there is a whole bunch of podcasts and video production. And it is a super fun job. It's like the most fun that I have ever had in my life. And what this show is for is basically to help you all pump up your pod, make it better, like, take it from being something that you do kind of okay, to something that you do really, really well because I know for a fact that when you really get going, and you really commit to providing this kind of service to people through the podcast, it does nothing but make you excel in every way your company, your business, your personal brand, whatever it is, whatever you're trying to do. I know that when you do a podcast, right,


    everything expands, everything grows, and it is kick ass. So the whole point of this is for you to feel supported for me to answer all your questions in small little episodes, where I just answer a question, I go down, I go deep. And then I also have trainings on it on YouTube. So you'll see, the video version of a lot of these episodes will be on YouTube as well. So you can physically see what are the things that I'm clicking on that kind of stuff, when it needs to be something that is more of a training type situation, there'll be a video version of it as well. And what gives me the right to be able to actually provide this training provide this service to you.

    I have been running a podcast production company for about six ish years. And I have a degree in audio production, music production more specifically, I'm just obsessed. Like I'm literally obsessed with audio with sound. And that might seem odd to some people because I am actually completely deaf in one ear. And I was born that way completely deaf. And then before this whole business started, all I did with my life basically was I was a singer as well and a musician and a songwriter. And I had a band and I was famous for a while I was on a very famous TV show. That was a whole section of my life, which was really interesting and fun and cool as well. And I loved it.

    But then I had a baby. And I didn't want to do any of that stuff anymore. I didn't want to I didn't want to travel around. And I started to realise that this part of my life was essentially finished that I didn't really want to do that anymore. But I still wanted to use my degree, I still wanted to use the audio production skills that I have, you know, I spent a lot of years using them. And I wanted to continue to do that. I'm a creative person. And I love it. So I wanted to find a way to actually still use that stuff. And I kind of fell in to podcasting. It started off that I was just doing transcription, like transcription work. And that was cool. And then from there, I started to realise, oh, man podcasts are pretty cool, because I was transcribing a lot of podcasts. And I didn't really know about them at the time. And then I went on to upwork.com and put myself out there, started looking around at jobs and started applying for some. And one of the first jobs that I ever applied for I got and it was with a guy that I still work with today. I still work with his family. It's just wonderful, like, absolutely amazing how much that has continued to grow and develop as well. So that's where I started, I started on Upwork. And it really grew.

    It started where I was just doing in naps when babies were sleeping and that sort of thing. And when I could and that sort of stuff to where it is today where I work full time in the business. And my husband works in the business to Alex, he is kick ass. And I also have a team of four others. So there's six of us overall that work in Bambi media, supporting clients globally. We have almost 70 clients globally that we help develop podcasts, video production, online courses, like all sorts of stuff, anything that's creative and digital content. We help people create and it is awesome fun. So yeah, that's why I can talk to you about this and feel like I have a lot of knowledge to give you because I've been doing this for a long time. In all that time.


    I have not had my own show. because I've never needed one, to be honest, I have never needed one. This business is going so well without that. But I have decided that this is something I really want to provide to you all as a service that I can be in your ears once a week, and provide you with a bunch of stuff that I feel will really, really help you grow your podcasts and grow your shows. And it makes you like, just have fun with it to really just have fun. And listen to me being an idiot. So that's it. Congratulations on coming on this ride with me. And I hope you really really enjoy pump up your pod. If you want any further info, you can go to Bambi media.com That's Bambi with a Y. The links will be in the show notes and all that sort of jazz. But yeah, thanks for listening


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