What is a private podcast and who are they for

What is a private podcast and who are they for?

Private podcasting is a fantastic option for service providers who have courses, memberships, programs, and anything they want to add extra value to for their community. 

So what’s the difference between a private and a public podcast? 

A private podcast is for your paying audience. Often on free podcasts, we talk about the ‘what’ but it’s in the private podcasts that we can delve deeper and divulge the ‘how’.

They’re perfect for your group coaching, masterclasses, courses and so much more. You can even just strip the video from your masterclasses and presto! You have a podcast episode. 

I have my free community ‘The Pod Lovers’ that I absolutely love running. But I’m super pumped to soon be bringing out The Pod Lovers Premium Experience which will be a smaller container for podcast hosts that want to focus on growth, monetisation and connection with others for collaboration. 

In this episode, I’ll run you through the way you can operate and host your private podcast and give you my recommendations for a platform to use. 

They can be a bit trickier than public podcasts so this episode is definitely for you if you are keen to begin a private podcast for your community today. 



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    Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod Hello pod loving friends, how are you today? I've been having a great week this week and getting a lot done being super, super productive. I've been getting back into using my journal properly my planner. So I have this planner that I bought from Brendon Burchard. If you don't know that dude, go and check him out. He has this book called the High Performance habits. And he has a journal kind of thing, like a daily journal that goes with it. And it is called the High Performance planner, I'll link it so that if this is the kind of thing that interests you, you can just go get one, you have some questions that you answer every day. And then there's six or seven tasks are so that you can set as like what you want to get done for the day. And then at the end of the day, you're supposed to reflect on how that day went based on what you were hoping that it would be. And then at the end of the week, there's like a weekly review. And then at the end of the month, there's a monthly review as well.

    So that kind of stuff I love doing because making lists is you know, everyone loves that. I'm sure everyone loves that making lists ticking things off. It's really satisfying. And it's also just good to get my head around what I have to do in my business life and what I have to get done in my personal and family life as well. Because sometimes I get so laser focused on what's happening in the business and the team that I forget all the other stuff that I need to get done. You know, I've got two kids, I've got a husband, I've got a house. Because planning is really, really good for that. Because it feels like I I'm just way more productive. If I sit down the morning and actually think about it, then I get it done. So that's what I've been up to doing all that productivity stuff and loving it.

    Today I wanted to talk about private podcasting, because I feel this is one of the things that more and more clients more and more people are going to be asking about. It's pretty awesome. And I wanted to explain kind of the use case, like why you would do it, and how you would do it. So if you've got a podcast already, it's probably a free podcast, which is great. You provide a bunch of free value, just like I'm doing here, talking about topics that makes sense for your audience that you're wanting to connect with them on a bit of education. A lot of the time, it's the what, but not the how, because you don't give away the value of how you specifically do things to a free community, a free podcast.

    Now the difference with a private podcast is you can take it that step further and go right well, these people are paying me now. So I'm going to give them the how. So it can be a really valuable tool and a really valuable extra step and extra thing that you can give people in return for some sort of investment. A situation where you might use this is if you have a membership, you have people within that membership and you provide them with hotseat coaching, or there's group coaching, there's course maybe a course in there, you know, all sorts of things as anything that you can do in a private membership. Or maybe it's just like a community for private members that are interested in something specific, maybe you just run master classes, that kind of stuff. A really good extra added value is to have a private podcast just for them.

    In my case, for example, I have a free community called the pod lovers community, you've heard me talk about it before, I have a great time in there curating information. And I can see members in there looking at that stuff that's free. But I also have something that's coming, which is the pod lovers premium experience. Now within that will be a smaller container membership type area where there will be people that already have podcasts that just want to focus on growth, monetization, and connecting with other more high level podcasters collaborating, all that sort of stuff. So that's a smaller community that makes sense for me to then go a step further and say, Hey, within that community, you not only get access to me, in a higher level capacity, you don't only get access to higher level courses or whatever courses but you also get access to a premium podcast. And that can be just something that helps support the actual community that you have within that.

    So if you've got master classes that you're running, as I mentioned, and hot seats and those sorts of things, you can just put all that strip all the video out and just have that as audio and have that be a pod fast, it's pretty good. And it's great then for the members because they don't have to sit there watching the videos on Kajabi, or download an mp3 from whatever to their phone and or to their computer and then listen to it, they can actually just go to a private podcasting feed that they give you. And then it actually shows up in their podcast players. It's really, really, really cool.

    So I'm going to be doing a lot more experimentation in this area this year, and certainly seeing whether any of our clients want to actually take that step and do that. Because it does mean that you can charge a little bit more perhaps for a membership or something like that, because you're adding something extra. That's pretty cool.

    Now, the way to actually do that, there's not too many podcast platforms at this time that support truly private podcasting. Yeah, and I've done a fair amount of digging in this area, some of them are super expensive. The one that I highly recommend, is a platform called Captivate captivate.fm that I'll link our affiliate link there, if you want to check it out. There's a seven day free trial there. And you can just have a little sauce around in that platform to see what interests you, you can ask questions to if you want to email me and ask some questions about it, that's fine, you can email Hello at Bamby media.com. Or join the pod lovers community. And I'm going to do a little wrap up on Captivate from within that community as well. Yeah, so you can go in there, you can set it as a completely private feed, you know, you have your own podcast, new podcast artwork, it's exactly the same as having a public podcast, but you just don't list it on anything stays private, you invite members by their email address, they get a special link, they then take that into Apple podcasts or Spotify or whatever, and they can add it and then they have it just show up in their podcasting feed. super freaking cool.

    So I would really think about that as an extra added value point for a membership, maybe a course platform or something that you've got going on. Or it could just be this is all you want. Do you just want a private podcast for people in the community, and this is all you're giving them. You've got a community where you guys are interacting. And then you've also got the podcast where you're providing high level information about stuff. So there's lots of use cases and reasons why it's a cool idea to have a private podcast. And I would highly recommend giving it a go. Or at least finding out more, if it's something that you think would be really beneficial for yourself. If you haven't started a podcast yet, and you're thinking this actually could be really, really cool for me, then I recommend that you join our let's get launchy course, which is a podcasting launch course, it goes through all the ins and outs for you to DIY your own show, to launch it to get the right strategy behind it, pick your theme music, or your artwork, all that sort of stuff. It's really, really great. I'll link to it in the description here. I'm going to be doing some live classes for it as well just to teach on specific things that I know people have questions about. And it's hard to troubleshoot without you being there. So that's a bit of an extra added value with that. It's also a really good time to be starting a podcast.

    If you're listening to this around the time that it's released. It's currently the very beginning of February, January, February March are crazy good for listenership launching, getting things out there. People want to start the new year in that first quarter of the year, finding out more information, or you should be supplying something that you feel is really value adding for people. So if you don't have a show, go to let's get launchy. If you do have a show, I would say just get into the pod lovers community and the premium experience will open up soon. If you're looking for growth staff, then that's the place to be for that.

    Other than that, as I've mentioned, I really think private podcasting is a very good idea, especially for people who have courses, memberships programmes, things that they want to provide a little bit more value to a community that's paying them for something a bit more special with a bit more pzazz Then I really think that a private podcast is something that you should explore and be open to. If you've got any questions, you can always head to Bamby media.com go to the contact page there. And yeah, that's it. I hope you having a lovely day. Good week coming up and thanks for being here.


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