Australian Podcast Industry Trends 2023


I am thrilled to delve into the latest statistics from Edison Research's Infinite Dial for 2023, focusing on the Australian Podcasting Industry Trends. I’m going to explore the key findings from the report, analyse their implications, and discuss the future outlook for podcasting in Australia.

The Rise of Podcast Listening in Australia

Let's start by looking at the growth of podcast listening in Australia over the past few years. In 2017, only 10% of the population listened to podcasts. However, with the advent of COVID-19 and people spending more time at home, podcasting gained significant traction. By 2021, the percentage of podcast listeners had risen to 26%. And now, in 2023, we see an even more impressive figure of 33% of the population, which translates to approximately 7 million people, listening to podcasts on a weekly basis.

This surge in podcast consumption indicates the increasing popularity and influence of the medium. As more people discover the value of podcasts, we can expect to see a rise in advertising and brand partnerships within the industry (which we’re already seeing). Podcasting has become a powerful tool for connecting with audiences, and brands are absolutely starting to recognize its potential.

The Changing Demographics of Podcast Listeners

When we examine the demographics of podcast listeners in Australia, some interesting trends emerge. The age group with the highest percentage of weekly podcast listeners is still 18 to 24, followed closely by the 25 to 39 age range. However, what's particularly noteworthy is the growing popularity of podcasts among older age groups.

In the past, it was common for individuals over the age of 45 to be unfamiliar with podcasts. However, the latest statistics reveal that the 40 to 64 age bracket is increasingly embracing podcast listening. This shift indicates that podcasts are no longer limited to a specific demographic and have the potential to reach a wide range of audiences.

Additionally, the younger generation, aged twelve to seventeen, has shown a significant increase in podcast consumption, with 36% of this age group now listening to podcasts. Platforms like TikTok have played a crucial role in driving traffic to podcasts among Gen Z listeners. If you're targeting this demographic, it's essential to leverage social media platforms and create engaging content that resonates with them.

Australia Takes the Lead in Podcast Listening

One of the most exciting developments in the Australian podcasting landscape is that Australia has overtaken the United States as the country with the highest per capita podcast listenership. While the US held the lead at 31%, Australia has now surged ahead at 33%. This shift signifies the growing influence and potential of the Australian podcasting market.

With more Australians tuning in to podcasts, content creators have a unique opportunity to capture their attention and build a loyal audience. However, it's important to note that as the industry becomes more competitive, podcasters need to deliver high-quality content and engage their listeners effectively. The days of casual, low-quality shows are fading, and podcasters must adapt to meet the rising expectations of their audience.

The Listening Habits of Australian Podcast Consumers

Understanding where and how people listen to podcasts is crucial for content creators and advertisers. Despite the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the majority of podcast listening still occurs at home, with 87% of respondents indicating that they listen to podcasts in their homes. This finding suggests that listeners engage with podcasts while performing other tasks, such as cleaning, getting ready for the day, or doing household chores.

The fact that listeners' hands are occupied during these activities means they are less likely to switch off a podcast once they start listening. This extended engagement time allows podcasters to build a stronger connection with their audience and establish trust more quickly. It also presents an opportunity for businesses to advertise their products or services within podcasts, as listeners are more likely to absorb and retain information while engaged in other tasks.

The data shows that 64% of respondents listen to podcasts in their vehicles, and 54% listen while walking. Only 29% of respondents reported listening to podcasts at the gym. This suggests that people prefer different types of content for different activities, with more energetic and upbeat content being favoured during workouts.

The Dominance of Spotify and YouTube

When it comes to podcast listening platforms, Spotify has emerged as the leader in Australia, surpassing Apple and YouTube. With a 66% market share, Spotify has invested heavily in promoting podcasts on its platform, making it a go-to destination for podcast enthusiasts. However, YouTube is not far behind, with 61% of respondents indicating that they listen to podcasts on the video-sharing platform.

The rise of YouTube as a podcasting platform is significant, especially considering its recent introduction of a dedicated podcast tab. YouTube's commitment to promoting podcasts and its large user base make it an attractive platform for content creators. If you're looking to grow your podcast, it's essential to consider YouTube as a distribution channel and tap into its potential for reaching new audiences.

The Power of Audio-Only Podcasts

While video podcasts have gained popularity, audio-only podcasts still dominate the industry, with 86% of respondents indicating that they listen to podcasts without video. This finding is reassuring for podcasters who may not have the resources or desire to produce video content. It shows that the essence of podcasting lies in the audio experience and that listeners value the medium for its convenience and portability.

However, it's worth noting that 51% of respondents reported actively watching podcasts with video, while 43% listened with video playing in the background. This suggests that there is a significant audience segment that enjoys the visual component of podcasts. Content creators should consider incorporating video elements into their shows to cater to this audience and enhance the overall listening experience.

What Have We Learned

The Australian podcasting industry is experiencing rapid growth and shows no signs of slowing down. With 33% of the population listening to podcasts on a weekly basis, podcasting has become a mainstream medium for connecting with audiences. The increasing popularity of podcasts among older age groups and younger demographics presents exciting opportunities for content creators and advertisers alike.

As the industry becomes more competitive, podcasters must focus on delivering high-quality content and engaging their listeners effectively. The rise of Spotify and YouTube as dominant podcasting platforms highlights the importance of leveraging these channels to reach a broader audience. Additionally, the continued preference for audio-only podcasts indicates that the core value of podcasting lies in the audio experience.

Looking ahead, we can expect to see further growth and innovation in the Australian podcasting industry. As more brands recognise the potential of podcast advertising, we may witness an increase in partnerships and monetization opportunities. Content creators should continue to explore new ways to connect with their audience and leverage platforms like YouTube to expand their reach.

The Australian podcasting industry is thriving, and now is the perfect time to dive into this exciting medium. Whether you're considering starting your own podcast or looking to grow an existing show, the opportunities are endless. Embrace the power of podcasting, create compelling content, and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. The future of podcasting in Australia is bright, and you can be a part of it.



  • [00:00:00] Welcome back to my face. My name is Brianna. I'm the head honcho here at Bamby Media coming at you again today with some fantastic statistics to explore because Edison Research has released their infinite dial for 2023. So these are the Australian podcasting industry trends.

    [00:00:21] We're gonna go through the section of the infinite dial that is particularly related to podcasting, and I'm gonna screen share. So if you are on the podcast platforms like Apple or whatever, I'm gonna break it down for you as best I can.

    [00:00:36] but if you want to watch it, head on over to YouTube so that you can see exactly what I'm sharing here, as well as I will provide the resources so that you can check out the full infinite dial as well. All right, so if we skip through to the weekly podcast listening, this is the bit that is getting me very excited. If we look back at 2017, just as, a benchmark here, the podcasting industry has actually just turned 20, hooray. Happy birthday to podcasting. But as far as how it's developing in the Australian market, it really has only started to kind of kick off properly in the last five sort of years.

    [00:01:12] If we look back at 2017, the percentage of the population that listened to podcasts back then was about 10%, and then it's been growing. And around 2021, it got quite. Big, and that was through Covid where everyone was kind of in their houses. Podcasting was such a great way to connect with people. They wanted to have conversations. Lots of people started them. Lots of people started listening to them. So 26% of people in 2021 of the population were listening to podcasts at that time. Now, that's now risen to 33%, which is estimating about 7 million people listen to podcasts weekly.

    [00:01:48] This is a fantastic statistic. And this graph also shows you just how valuable the podcasting industry is becoming. It does mean that there's gonna be more advertising. I [00:02:00] can see where it's gonna go. You know, it's gonna be something where brands start to realize what an impact podcasting can make for them.

    [00:02:07] So there's gonna be these connections that are only just kicking off and there's gonna be further connections there made as well. But you can see there, 33% of the population is quite huge. If we look at the weekly podcast listening for the Australian population based on their age, the most frequent listener is still within the ages of 18 to 24.

    [00:02:30] Ages 25 to 39 are in that kind of range as well. So we've got 54%, 18 to 24, 40 8%, ages 25 to 39, 30 3%, ages 40 to 55. And the interesting area for me is that higher bracket too, that 40 to. 64 kind of range. It used to be that if you talked about a podcast to someone that was over the age of like 45 a few years ago, they'd be like, what's a podcast? Especially in that older age group between the 55 to 60 and onwards, they wouldn't know what it was, and you'd have to kind of explain that. It was kind of like a radio show, but a little bit different.

    [00:03:10] To that now, based on these statistics that we're seeing, that age group is really starting to love listening to podcasts. And so it's something that if you are in that market yourself and that is a target for you, then don't go, oh, my demographic that I'm after aren't listening to podcasts.

    [00:03:28] That is absolutely not true, and the statistics prove that. The other one that I found interesting was the ages 12 to 17. That's 36% of the population in that age group. Listen to podcasts now, and that has really been a big jump from what it used to be. There's this younger age that are now communicating a lot, and I did a podcast episode on this little while back on social media.

    [00:03:52] TikTok especially, is really taking off and driving a lot of traffic to podcasts for that younger generation, and [00:04:00] it's a, it's an area that I think is going to just get. Much more saturated in a lovely way as well. So if you're supporting that age group, then make sure that you have really good quality social snippets that you're sharing them to TikTok and areas where we know the Gen Z population are, so that you can actually benefit from what these statistics are showing us for that age group as well.

    [00:04:22] Go and listen to the other episode that I have about Gen Z podcasting trends. I'll put a link in the resources sections for that, If that's a demographic that you're after, definitely that podcast episode will be a great resource for you. Okay, so if we look through to the next one here, weekly podcast listening based on country.

    [00:04:41] It is actually so exciting to me and for anyone that is in the podcasting space to see that Australia per capita, you know, is now the country that listens to podcasts the most out of anywhere else in the world. So it used to be that US was winning, they're at 31%, and now Australia is winning at 33%.

    [00:05:04] So if you are in the Australian market, now is a fantastic time to be in the market or get into the market. people are more wise to what makes a good podcast. These days, you used to be able to get away with, you know, doing a show that was kind of a bit more laid back or maybe the quality wasn't that good or, you know, you could kind of get away with things a little bit more when the industry wasn't so developed and sophisticated.

    [00:05:29] The fact that we've got, uh, such a high percentage of the population now listening to podcasts on a weekly basis, 33% of the population now listening, you have to get a little bit more sophisticated in the delivery of your podcast because it's kind of like I.

    [00:05:45] They can curate their experience more because there is more, I guess, competition out there. There are a lot of podcasts out there, and people have been listening to podcasts long enough now that if it's not up to scratch, then they will turn it off and they have another option [00:06:00] because there's something like yours out there that may be done.

    [00:06:03] A little bit better. That's not to scare you, but certainly is something to be aware of, especially when you can see these kind of statistics. The next little bit that we're gonna go through here is weekly podcast listening. As you can see, just the graph here, us versus Australia, the competition that's been going on here for a while.

    [00:06:23] From 2017, so back quite a few years ago, it used to be that the US was winning at 15% and 10% for us, and that's been slowly growing. The US took off a lot quicker than the Australian market did. But just note as well that the US podcasting market has been going a lot longer. As I said, podcasting is 20 years old as an industry, and Australia really didn't get it.

    [00:06:47] Until probably five to eight years ago and start really harnessing that. So it makes sense that we've caught up. But I do really like that we've now overtaken that space. The number of podcast episodes listened to in the last week based on the data that Edison research has supplied here or, or been able to develop, is down to five episodes.

    [00:07:10] Uh, it used to be up around nine to seven, so people are listening to less they're engaging though more fully with the podcast that they are listening to. So they may be listening to more episodes of that podcast. They may be feel more invested with the podcast. People are subscribing to shows now.

    [00:07:26] They're putting money behind these shows. So don't be deterred by the fact that people are actually listening to less shows at five episodes on average per week. Know that they are more engaged they feel more connected to those podcasts that they are listening to. So it's important for you to understand that and go, right, well, how can I cut through the noise of others in my industry so that I'm one of these five. That people are listening to.

    [00:07:52] If we then look at the podcast listening locations, I always love this kind of this bit of data [00:08:00] because I used to think that once Covid was over, it would be that people would listen to podcasts not at their home so much, and that something else would take over, like on their commute to work or walking around.

    [00:08:10] But you can see here from the data that 87% of people still listen to their podcasts. At home, we've got 64% listening in a car or a truck, 54% walking around on foot, 40% on public transport. 33% at work and 29% are at the gym while working out. I thought that that number would be higher. But I think also that the gym is more like you're listening to music and things that pump you up.

    [00:08:39] It doesn't necessarily mean that you're gonna feel like listening to an in-depth conversation when you're like pumping iron, you know? Uh, or you're, you are running hard on a treadmill or something. You kind of want something to listen to that feels like can amp you up a little bit more. That's for me personally, that's what I think anyway.

    [00:08:55] So if we look at that statistic of 87% of people listening to podcasts in their home, what does that tell us? Generally, it tells us that they're doing something in their home while they're listening. And that's for most people. And for me personally, it's cleaning, it's hanging out the washing, maybe I'm putting my makeup on, I'm starting the day.

    [00:09:17] I wanna listen to something that's motivational or inspirational or something funny, something that's gonna make me start my day feeling really connected to, uh, the mission that I have for that day. What this means is that, , your hands are busy, okay?

    [00:09:31] They're like putting your makeup on or hanging things out. You're using pegs, all the things. That means that people are less likely to be turning you off if you are in their ears. If they're listening to you, their hands are busy. They have no way of turning it off. So your consumption rate, the amount of time that they spend with you listening to you in their ears is much higher because they're in the home and they're doing something else, [00:10:00] but they're engaging with you in their ears.

    [00:10:03] This builds the know like and trust. Quickly, quicker than you think it would. It helps you gain business. It helps you with lead generation knowing that they have you in their ears for longer because their hands are busy, uh, is actually going to work in your favor.

    [00:10:21] So don't forget about the value If we go and move into the services that people use to listen to podcasts, this is just a little bit of interesting a tidbit here. Spotify has now overtaken Apple and YouTube. Apple and Spotify used to have this nice dance between each other where Apple would win and then Spotify would win.

    [00:10:44] And you know, it was kind of neck and neck. But Spotify has really, uh, up to their game in the promotion of, of podcasts on their players. So they're now at. 66%, but the one just below it is YouTube at 61%. Something I harp on about all the time, and I have multiple podcast episodes about the value of YouTube, especially now that YouTube has a particular tab dedicated to podcasts, they're gonna be promoting podcasts.

    [00:11:10] They are very much invested in the podcasting space, so for you to get on there is important for the growth of your show. And I have a podcast episode that I'll link in the resources for you so that you can understand that, uh, at a, a bit of a higher level as well. As we delve into that kind of, one of the other things that I like to look at, which I'm still very comforted by, is the proportion of people that listen to audio-only podcasts versus those that listen with video.

    [00:11:38] So we've got 86% of people still listen just to audio-only podcasts. They don't listen with video, they don't watch. that's really good. It does mean as well that if you struggle to have a video component, That's okay. Like you don't have to freak out about not having video. Lots of people just want to connect with podcasts through the medium that it was originally intended for, [00:12:00] but you've also got 51% of people that listen to podcasts with video that they actively watch.

    [00:12:07] And you've got 43% of people listen to podcasts with video that you minimize or play in the background. So there is a high percentage of people that put YouTube on second tab. They're not actually watching it, but they're still engaging with it on a platform like YouTube, but know that audio only is still the strongest way to connect with the platform as well At this time.

    [00:12:31] So that's the wrap up of what I wanted to discuss here today for the infinite dial podcasting state of the industry for 2023. I am very comforted by this information by the industry as a whole. It's growing. It's an area where if you haven't dived into podcasting yet, and it's something that feels like it's kind of gonna float your boat, then there has never been a better time to have 33% of the population listening to podcasts every week in Australia.

    [00:13:00] Oh, it's so great. It's so great. And if you have a show already, the only way is up really if you're supporting it with other great content. So If you're repurposing it confidently, you've got good show notes going, you're creating articles, you're putting it on your newsletter, you're going on other people's shows.

    [00:13:18] All these things are connecting to each other, and I want you to remember that podcasting is essentially another form of social media.

    [00:13:26] So I want you to be confident in the fact that if you're not on all the channels and podcasting and talking feels like something that connects to you, then please give it a crack. It is such a good medium to have fun with. You can do just about anything. It's very creative and it's something to dive into. If you're wanting to get going on it.

    [00:13:47] There, I would recommend doing our, Let's Get Launchy course. If you're wanting to do it yourself, we have a course that steps you through the entire process from beginning to end to launch. I'll put a resource link in there for you if that's something you want [00:14:00] to DIY yourself. If you're wanting help to grow your show or launch it or produce it, then you can reach out to us as well.

    [00:14:06] We do have a limited client roster that we take on, but we absolutely are always looking for these great shows to work with, so absolutely happy for you to reach out to us if that feels like it is something that connects with you.

    [00:14:20] If you've enjoyed this content, please like and subscribe the channel. Uh, you can do that just by clicking those little buttons there. And if you're over on the podcast platforms, then hit the follow button and I will be giving you more information every week. Thanks for joining me. My name is Brianna, and I hope you have a glorious rest of the week.


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