How do I see all my podcast reviews


Hosting a podcast is a lot of work so you want to know if what you’re putting out there is resonating with your audience. 

Getting feedback is such a great way to know you’re hitting the mark and to be able to steer the show in a way that’s more relatable to your audience. If your audio sucks ass, you bet you’re going to see that feedback in your reviews. 

If you speak in a monotone voice and put your listeners to sleep (and it’s not on purpose), you’re going to see that in your reviews.

If you’re kicking ass and people love what you’re providing, you definitely want to see their comments!

But how do you actually see your reviews? Truth is, as of right now it’s a bit annoying (although Apple is about to make it a lot easier). So in this episode I run through a little tutorial of exactly how to do it using some free resources out there. I also talk about responding to the listeners who are leaving reviews and share some tips on how to go about that.



  • 00:00
    Welcome to pump up your pod Hello, hello, hello, welcome back to pump up your pod with Brianna from Bambi media. That's me, I am going to take you through how to access and look at your reviews for your podcast on this quick little one today.

    So it is a bit annoying, because you can't actually just like go to the one place and get everything everywhere for all the reviews. In fact, there's only a couple of places that you can actually leave reviews. So Apple podcasts is one way that you can leave a review. I believe cast box is another way that you can leave reviews. But there's no real other like Spotify, for example, you can't leave a review there. Like there's just not that capability yet. So a few of the smaller podcast players, you definitely can review, but not a lot of people really do it.

    So the only real place that people actually review is on Apple podcasts, the best way to find and look at all of them in a easy to see kind of thing is to go to a place called There's also another one called pod, which I sometimes recommend because they look prettier. But podcast hasn't had the most up to date information. So I'm just stopping at the moment recommending them because I feel like it's not as up to date as charitable is so charitable. Once you're there At the top, you can see a search podcasts section, I'm going to search for shameless, which is a popular show here in Australia, when you type it in and this is all completely free, you don't have to sign up to anything, you don't have to give an email address, you don't have to do anything at this point, you can just put your podcast name in there, and then away you go.

    So you can see then that you have charts. And you can see where you're listed where you're sitting in those charts for Spotify. And for Apple, depending on if you are chatting in anything, which is always good to know. Not that it makes a huge amount of difference. But you know, it's still good, still good to know. And underneath ratings and reviews is where you can actually see all your ratings and reviews, you can see how many you have, you can see the star rating for each of them. You could see when they left the review where they are that kind of thing, which is really, really cool. That gives you the most recent ones. And then if you click on see all it actually takes through to all the reviews, which is pretty kick ass. And you can read for review if they've been truncated and that sort of thing.

    Now, the only thing that sucks is that you can't actually respond to your reviews, I hope that this feature is coming at some point that would be great to be able to actually respond to the people that are reviewing your show, the only way you can respond is if they happen to put like their Insta handle or something in there some way for you to recognise who they are so that you can actually respond. But from this you can't actually do much with so if you are trying to get people to review your show, make sure that you say something like, Hey, you know, if you're going to leave a review, or please leave a review. And please also leave your Insta handle so that I can respond to you so that I can shout you out. And you know, talk about you and your business in the next episode.

    One of our clients, Emily Osmund, does a really good job of doing that. She mentioned that and then she also does shout out to them in some of her episodes and talks about their business, it's a really nice way to give back to those people that are reviewing you, they just need to make sure that they actually provide you with some way of being in contact. So that would be my recommendation as to how to actually see reviews go to You don't have to pay for anything, there are things that you can pay for within the service and see more stats and analytics and that sort of thing. But if you have a decent podcast host like Buzzsprout, then you don't really need the extra stats because Buzzsprout and blueberry and all the other good hosts Lipson, that sort of thing gives you really good stats. So I don't really see the need to actually pay for charitable.

    So that would be my recommendation there. Go and have a look at your own show. Now, if you have one. See if you're chatting anywhere. See if you've gotten reviews. And if you don't have any reviews and you're not chatting, then you've got some work to do. You need to get some people talking about your show. The best way to do that, oh my gosh, actually, there's so many ways that that can happen. If you're interested in learning about that sort of stuff.

    Then I would go to creative branding which is our course platform, which is where we have the courses that we do, though one of the ones that we run is pump up your pod, the course which is the same name as this podcast, for good reason, because it teaches you how to grow your show and that sort of thing. He's really deep into the kind of topics that I do surface level here on the podcast. So that's probably what I would recommend, if you're looking for ways to actually get more reviews and to actually charge higher and that sort of thing. Go and check that out. If you need any done for you type services, you can go to Bambi And that's where we have all the stuff that we do for our clients as well.

    But I hope this answered your question really quickly today., go and check it out, put your podcast name in there, have a bit of fun with it. And I hope you have a lovely day.

    If you've been listening to the past episodes, you will know by now that pump up your pod the course is coming. If you are listening to this before, June the seventh, I'm giving you because you are a podcast listener a special $200 off to actually get into that course and do all the things group coaching calls with me. There's eight of them, you get four months access to the course. It's gonna be really fun, and I would love to have you in there. So check the description below and there'll be a link there that you can actually go to typing the code, do the things, join the cause. Join me and learn how to really pump up your pod and just have a great time. That's it. Bye


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