The best microphone for recording with your phone


I’m sharing a super hot tip today for how you can get fantastic audio quality for a pretty small cost. If you’re recording your podcast with your phone, the microphone I recommend in this episode will definitely help solve a lot of audio problems for you. 

The great thing about this mic is that you plug it into your phone and you’re good to go. That means better audio for not only your podcast but your socials too. 

So basically, it’s a no brainer.

Go buy it!



  • 00:00
    Welcome to pump up your pod.

    Hello everybody welcome back to pump occupied with me Brianna from Bamby Media.

    I wanted to share something with you today which is super juicy and not very expensive and will make a big flippin difference. If you are looking for a way to record, just using your phone, you don't want to have a laptop with you, you want something super portable, you want to be able to record in your car or you know, wherever, whatever there is, it's super, just small piece of kit that you can get that I recommend all the time, that will solve a lot of audio problems for you.

    So what is that, don't leave me hanging, I'm hearing you say the road Video Mic M A dash L is a little piece of kit that you can get. So it's on Amazon at the moment, it's at $3.20. And what it does is it actually just connects to the bottom of your iPhone, wherever with a lightning sort of adapter earth one, whatever it's cold thing is, so you just shove it in there. And then you can use it to record your audio that if you don't have a iPhone, you can actually just get one that's called the Rode Video Mic M E doesn't have the L on the end. It's a headphone jack one. So again, you just plug it into the headphone jack and away you go. And then you just load up voice memos or the equivalent if you've got a Samsung hit record and it will be the audio device, it will pick it up and know that that's how it's being recorded.

    And you can have fantastic like it's really good quality for the size that you can use. And again, the Rode Video Mic me so the headphone jack version, that's only $71. Like it's not a huge outlay. The thing I would make sure that you do though, is use the windbreaker that comes with it, which is a little puffy thing that goes on to the front to like the top of the microphone and it stops any wind sounds, you know, that kind of stuff. Or it also stops the perp to like the harsh sounds that are provided by those, because this doesn't have an inbuilt pop filter, it needs some sort of little filter. And that's what the windbreaker does, that's what the service of that is there. So that would be my hot tip to make sure that you actually do that when you get this microphone.

    The good thing about this as well is that you can then use it with your Instagram Stories, your Facebook, anything that you're doing with your phone, you know, you can angle it either way to be front facing or rear facing. And it's fantastic. Like it will increase the quality of your audio for all those things as well, which also as a double whammy is good because then if you're repurposing your IG TVs or anything like that, you've got kickass audio quality to play with.

    It's an absolute no brainer. If you're looking for a cheap way to record your podcasts, and you don't have any other stuff like you don't have a laptop, you don't have things yet, you can buy something for under $100. And that's Australian dollars, plug it in, get going and know that it's going to be better than your headphones. Like it's a really, really good actually, I have recommended it to a lot of our clients, some of them have used it or do use it for every single episode. And the quality is really, really good.

    So that is my hot tip for today on what to do if you're just wanting to use your phone to record your audio, and you want to snazz it up a bit. If you want to purchase these, definitely use the links in the description, the show notes there, there are affiliate links, so that will be nice, get some extra dollars. That would be lovely if you did that.

    And if you need any further assistance, you can go to Bambi And that's all we're done for you services live so you can you know, see more about us and what we offer and all that sort of stuff in podcast and video production and branding, all the fun stuff. So definitely go and check out this microphone. If you're interested in it, click the links, buy it, use it. It is awesome. I highly recommend it.

    That is my hot tip for today on how to increase your audio quality. It's the final countdown, the final countdown to the launch of pump up your pod the course which I have been harping on about for the last few episodes. If you have been listening to them, you will know by now there is $200 Coming at your face actually no it's not coming at your face. It's coming off the price of the course. Eight group coaching calls a bunch of modules. It's going to be fun for months access.

    It's going to be great. I'm really excited jump in it if your interested, stay and join us because yeah, it's gonna be fun. That's it. Bye


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