How do I get into the Apple Podcasts charts

How do I get into the Apple Podcasts Charts

So you’ve got a kick ass podcast and you want to get it onto the Apple Podcast charts, right? I’ve got a pretty juicy tip for you today as I talk about the best way to do this when you’re first launching your show.

In this episode, I talk about launching your show with as many episodes as you possibly can to boost your download numbers and crack the charts code. This means being super duper organised with heaps of episodes ready to roll, which may not be easy for everyone. I talk about the pros and cons of releasing multiple episodes in one day and some other options to consider when launching your show. 

The thing to remember with podcasting is that it’s a long game. There’s no quick win in this industry and you’ve got to be all about long term growth.



  • 00:00
    Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod. Welcome back.

    It's me, Brianna. Hi, how are you? Have you been having a good week, I have been having a lovely week. It has been one of these weeks that's just been overflowing with things to do. And yesterday, I just fell in a bit of a heap. And it was great. It was so great. It's like instead of me pushing through and being like, Okay, I've got x y z to do but all this stuff, you know, I just went, What can I not do today? Like, how many things can I not do? Who else can do them? Someone else do my job today, please. So it was good. And that's what makes it so great about having your own business and also having a team, you know, because I work really hard. I really do. I work very hard. And I have a team that I delegate to. And that's fantastic. And there was a time in my business where I couldn't. Like I had to do all the things I couldn't delegate because there was no one to delegate to. And it was really, really hard. And I felt super stressed about the fact that I had all this stuff all the time, the business was growing too fast for me to keep up with. And it was just super stressful.

    And now many months later, I have five staff. And I can kind of just go Okay, today, I need to focus on being creative. And I need all the busy work to be handled. So yeah, it's been nice. So what I wanted to chat about today was, how do you get on to the Apple podcast charts? Oh, it's a goodie. It is a goodie. So I've done a YouTube video on this quite a while back. But I wanted to kind of do a refresher because there's more information that I can give you about this. And this is something that everyone wants, right, everyone wants to launch a show, and have it be on the Apple charts. And then everyone wants to have their show stay on the Apple podcast charts and the Spotify charts and you know, whatever charts, it can be quite a tricky thing to do. But it's not a tricky thing to do when you launch necessarily.

    So one of the biggest tips that I have when you are launching a show and you're trying to get it into the apple podcast charts, is to launch with as many episodes as you possibly can. So it means that you have to be quite organised, it means that you have to have quite a lot of episodes ready to go. But if you launched with one episode, and you got, let's say you got 100 downloads, if you're lucky, if you launch with not one episode, but you launch with, let's say six episodes, you're going to get 600 downloads.

    Do you see what I did there? Do you see because when a person goes to Apple podcasts, and they listen to an episode, and then they subscribe to your show, they not only get downloaded the first episode, but they get downloaded all the other episodes that you have at the same time. So within that first 24 hours, if you have released a whole bunch of episodes, you're getting all those download numbers to count, instead of just that one episode, with the one lot of 100 downloads, you get six episodes, giving you a total of 600 downloads.

    So that's going to boost you in the charts like nothing else. It's pretty friggin awesome. So if you can be that organised that you can release, and it doesn't have to be all within the same day. I think that's a bit overkill, although there are really good reasons to do that as well, which I will come back to. But if you can release with a lot of episodes, it means that you're going to get the best chance of boosting yourself up in the charts. Now what I said before was that you don't have to release them all on the same day. And that's true, you can space it out within the first few days and that sort of thing. So that you know, you don't feel like you're just hitting people with a whole bunch of episodes, and maybe they won't listen to them or like That's true, that's a very real thing. Perhaps they won't listen to them all. So you can spread it out a bit, that's fine. But within the first couple of days, you gotta be smashing as many episodes as possible. Something that people do and I see the value in it, is that if you have let's say 10 episodes or something like they drop a whole season, almost when they released the show, so there's a whole bunch of episodes so that people can binge it because if it's a new show, I know I love to binge a good Netflix series like the Witcher, for example.

    Oh my god, I just wanted to watch that whole thing like immediately because I was so in love with Henry Cavill oh my god, he, okay, I'm going down a rabbit hole here of my love affection for The Witcher. But as a rule, if you give them a lot of episodes to download, then it gives them the chance to binge it. And it gives them a chance to fall in love with you and your show. But it does require you to have a lot of things organised, you've got to have 10 episodes, let's say as an example, ready to go within that first week.

    And then let's say you're releasing weekly after that, you don't want to be chasing your tail. So you want to have batched, a whole bunch, so that you've got maybe the first four weeks sorted after that. So you release 10 In the first week, and then you've got one a week after that. So you're going to have to have like 14 episodes actually recorded, edited, ready, scheduled all the things in before you actually launch. And this can be quite limiting to people, they might feel like, oh, man, that's too much effort to have that many episodes ready? There's no way I'm can do that. And it's not for everyone. But knowing that if you do that, that's going to give you the best chance of actually getting into the apple podcast charts. Kinda makes it worth it, doesn't it? I think so.

    Also, don't beat yourself up about it, as well, like getting into the apple podcast charts, or the Spotify charts or whatever you like, yeah, okay, cool. I mean, it's not gonna, it's not a huge deal. Like, it's not a massive deal. People make it out to be this massive deal. But it's not that big of a deal. Unless you're consistently in the charts, you're getting into the charts for a certain time and then being high in them. You know, unless it's long term, if it's short lived, you might get into the new and noteworthy section. But that's a whole other podcast that I'll have to go into about the new and noteworthy section and how you actually get into that. So don't beat yourself up about it.

    If you don't get as high as you think you would like to climb in the charts when you first launch because it doesn't really matter. It's long term growth, we are always looking for long term growth with podcasting. It is never about the short, quick win. If you're looking for short, quick wins, don't do podcasting, because that's not the way this game goes. It is a long flippin game. And it's awesome, but you're going to be committed to it. So that's my tip for Apple podcasts, be prepared, have lots of episodes ready to roll.

    If you need help planning that out, then I would suggest getting our freebie the Bamby Media production schedule. It's a freebie that you can download. And you can map out all your episodes in there and then use it long-term to actually keep yourself organised, keep yourself accountable, and share it with your team. So I would definitely suggest downloading that. Also, I want to announce something which is super cool and fun. We have a new community called the pod lovers, it is completely free. And you can join in at any time. It is a community that I created because I felt like there wasn't one that was my vibe. I'm a bit of a bonkers person, as you may have realised, and I found like the communities about podcasting were pretty dry, they were pretty boring, and they didn't actually provide you much value.

    So I created this platform, the You can go there, request to join, fill in a bit of a form. And then we will review you and get you in there. The community exists just for podcasters to connect and collaborate with other podcasters collaborate with them talk about what their Windsor what's not working, get tips from each other, talk to each other, and like create this nice community of people that all love podcasting, or are wanting to start a podcast and feel like they really support it, because it's something that I feel is definitely lacking.

    And I would really like people to be supporting each other in this journey of creating a podcast because I know it's a long game. And it can be quite lonely. If you don't have a team supporting you and doing all the things for you and you're doing it yourself, it'd be really good to be able to chat to other people about what is working for them. So that's why I created the

    Go and get in there and communicate with other people. I jump in there to my team as well, every now and again. And I will share tips, little things that I'm finding out as I find them out. So you get like the hot tips before everyone else even before the people on the podcast, which is really cool. And then every now and again, I will run like a bit of a session on something or q&a and that sort of stuff. But as it is a free platform, it's not like I'm going to be spending a heap of time in there. Because that is reserved for private clients and people that pay me money to do things so it's completely fair enough. But definitely get in there if you're interested. And I will be launching the Let's Get Launchy course, which will help you launch your podcast and do the things that I mentioned here.

    And that will be available for those inside of the pod community as well first so that's predictable. Go to all the things. Hit me up if you have any questions and as always, you are awesome. And I hope you have a wonderful day.


Resources mentioned:

Get the Bamby Media Production Schedule Template here



The Pod Lovers Free Community

Let’s Get Launchy Program


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