The most important growth hack for podcasting


What is the most important aspect when it comes to growing your podcast?

The answer is GOOD content. Pretty simple right?

Valuable content is the biggest hack when it comes to building popularity. If your content sucks on a regular basis, why would someone continue to tune in and listen to you?

I talk through the importance of establishing your uniqueness and developing the art of making your content interesting. It can take some time to really find your feet and the kind of content delivery feels good to you, so don’t be put off if you don’t nail it straight away.

I share some ideas on how to develop your content, map it out using our production schedule template and how to avoid chasing your tail when it comes to putting episodes out there.

Whether you’re just getting started or your show has been running for a while, take the time to really look at your content and do the research to create a fantastic show.

The big question you need to ask yourself is, would YOU listen to your show?



  • 00:00
    Welcome to Pump Up Your Pod.

    Oh, hi, welcome back to Pump Up Your Pod with Brianna here from Bamby Media. So today I want to talk about something that I did an IGTV on I went live the other day a couple of weeks ago to talk about a topic that I feel like, well, I put the question out to say to people, what do you think is the most important thing for your podcast growth? I asked the question. And everyone that answered said consistency. Now I can see why they said consistency. And that is definitely an episode that if I don't already have it on my list of things to talk about, it is something I will definitely be talking about. But it's not the main thing.

    The main thing is your content. Is your content good? Will people keep coming back because what you're providing is interesting. So the thing is, is that there's a heap of podcasts out there, there's like 1.7 million podcasts in the world. And what makes one podcast more popular than the other. I mean, there's so many things, so many reasons why a podcast really blows up. But one of the key things is the content that that person is providing is really valuable in some way. Maybe it's really funny. Maybe they have amazing guests, maybe their solo episodes are absolute fire. You know, there's a lot of different reasons why but the core of it is, is the content so good, that the person wants to reshare it who's listening, word of mouth spreads from people going, oh, man, I've been listening to this podcast, and it's really good. Like that is one of the most common ways that people hear about new podcasts is word of mouth.

    So your content has to be your key driver, your key factor, when you're thinking about starting a podcast, and even when you have a podcast that's been going for a while, if your content isn't that great, or it feels like it's you know, anyone can deliver that content, then people aren't going to keep coming back to it. Now, one of the ways that you can really look at your content is, if you have a look at other shows that are in your niche in your market, and you look at their episode titles and that sort of thing, you can do the same thing. You can have the same topics on your show. But you have to deliver them in a way that is unique to you.

    So one of the first steps when you're starting a podcast is for you to establish, what's my unique way of talking about this thing? How am I going to make it interesting? Am I going to make it funny? Am I going to make it just really factual to the point and quick? How can I bring my personality into it? Am I going to video it, you know, those kinds of things. So that's the first thing you need to look at.

    Now how to develop your content, one of the best ways to do that is to use our podcast Production Schedule Template, which you can get as a freebie and I'll link it in this video and in this podcast as well so that you can grab it, but actually sit there and map out like 50 or so episodes, content ideas that you have.

    And then from there go, okay, how can I talk about that thing that's really interesting, different to the way someone else has spoken about that exact same thing. That is a real trick, like it's a real art to making the content interesting and unique to yourself. And if you can master that have really great episode titles and the contents really good. And you're delivering it in a way that's really unique to you. People are going to keep coming back. Now there's a whole bunch of supporting factors into making your show better, and you know, the growth of your show. But I really want you to focus on that thing. First is my content good. If you've had a show for a while and you feel like it's getting a bit stale, maybe you should really be looking at that content that you've got coming up. Plan ahead a bit more.

    I know a lot of people when they have a podcast and it's been going for a while they kind of start to chase their tail, because they've recorded episodes and then like they did batch for a while but then they don't batch anymore. So they're kind of thinking on their feet a bit more, which means they haven't done as much research into the topic. They're just putting things out with really diving into what can I talk about here or who can I interview that I think will be really amazing. It's worth the weight if I can get this person on my show. God man like that kind of stuff.

    So take some time, whether you're just starting, you haven't started or you've been going for a while with your podcast, take the time to actually really look at your content and go, would I listen to this as a show when I listen to this, or would I turn it off? And then if you wouldn't listen to it, then you're doing something wrong. And definitely dive deeper into it.

    That's it for me today. If you have any other questions, if you want to know more, you can go to We've got so much fun stuff on that website. And you can definitely also book in for a consult. We've got a few different console options there. So have a look around that. And that is it for me today. Have a lovely day.


Resources mentioned:

Get the Bamby Media Production Schedule Template here



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