Rode NT USB Review: your microphone is too far from your mouth


Today I want to talk about a microphone that has been a go-to recommendation for many clients - the Rode NT USB. This microphone, although it may be a bit “old school” these days compared to the newer ones on the market, delivers exceptional sound quality that stands the test of time.

The Rode NT USB is a condenser microphone that connects directly to your computer via USB. It comes bundled with a convenient pop filter and its own stand. However, there's one common mistake that most people make when using this microphone - incorrect placement.

The ideal position for the Rode NT USB is when it is close to your mouth, at the right level to capture your voice accurately. Unfortunately, many podcasters tend to place it on the desk using its built-in stand. While this might seem convenient, it creates quite a big gap between your mouth and the microphone, resulting in subpar audio quality.

To demonstrate the difference, I moved the microphone closer to my mouth. As I got nearer, the audio quality improved significantly. It's essential to find that sweet spot where the microphone is close enough to capture your voice effectively. However, there's one downside to this setup - the microphone's size.

The Rode NT USB comes with a pop filter that significantly adds to its overall size. This might not be an issue for audio-only work, but if you're planning on using it for videos, it can take up a considerable amount of screen real estate. It's something to keep in mind when considering this microphone for your setup.

If you're uncomfortable holding the microphone, there's another solution - a boom arm. A boom arm allows you to position the microphone wherever you need it, giving you flexibility and convenience while maintaining fantastic audio quality. It's a great accessory to consider if you're serious about getting the most out of your Rode NT USB.

Now, if you're on a budget or prefer a smaller microphone, you should check out the Rode NT USB Mini. It's the little sister of the Rode NT USB and offers similar sound quality at a smaller price point. It's a great option for video creators who want a more compact setup.

All in all, the Rode NT USB is a fantastic microphone that produces beautiful audio. However, it's crucial to understand how to use it properly to maximize its potential. Whether you choose a boom arm or a trusty box to position the microphone, finding the right placement will make a significant difference in the quality of your recordings.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this microphone if you go and check out our YouTube video. Did you like the sound of the Rode NT USB? Feel free to check out my other microphone reviews and let me know which one is your favourite. I'm always up for more microphone battles!



  • [00:00:00] Brianna: I'm coming at you with a bit of an old school microphone at this point. I mean, it's not that old, but it feels like it's old. And we're talking about the Rode NT USB. This is the original Rode NT USB. This is a microphone that we've recommended to clients for a long time. You can probably hear.

    [00:00:27] That it's quite nice, isn't it? It sounds quite nice in the ears. It is a USB only input. It comes with its own pop filter and its own stand.. Everyone gets the placement of this microphone wrong. It works so well when you use it the way that you're supposed to use it in an environment that it will work well for.

    [00:00:48] You may be able to hear that there is a little bit of a background hum, and I'm going to be quiet so you can hear that. If you can hear that, that's the fan noise from the computer, which is actually quite a distance away. This room is not very big. It has a little bit of soft furnishing on the floor. It has a lot of hard furnishings here as well.

    [00:01:09] The window is open and the doors on either side. are shut. There's a lot of reasons that there would be bounce in this room, although I do have some acoustic treating as well. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to take this microphone and I'm going to put it on the desk. Where people generally put the microphone because it has its own stand.

    [00:01:30] It's like it's forcing you to do that.

    [00:01:32] So now it's sitting on the desk and it is probably in the position that most people would have this microphone. Can you hear the difference as to how it sounds? It's not quite high enough, and it's not close enough to my mouth.

    [00:01:47] There's too much gap between my mouth and this microphone. Now if I bring myself closer Hello. Now I'm going to come closer to the microphone, see how different that sounds now it's up at the level that you want it to be. But the problem that's been created is that it's so big because it's got this pop filter on it, which you need, you need the pop filter on it. Be aware of that when you get this microphone is that if you're going to be on camera, if you've got it in the right spot, you're going to have something that's taking up a lot of real estate.

    [00:02:23] In your video, potentially that could be a problem for you, but I wanted to show you the difference of like, this is further back, and this is where you really should be when you're talking into this microphone. This microphone is beautiful. It sounds so nice. It's a condenser microphone. But people make a lot of mistakes with this microphone.

    [00:02:44] So the next best thing that you can do then if you feel like well the box isn't really a great idea. Certainly you can try and hold it, but when you hold microphones, you do have a little bit more of the noise of holding it and perhaps you tap on it a little bit. This microphone handles that actually pretty well.

    [00:03:01] If you don't feel comfortable holding it, you should absolutely. Get a boom arm.

    [00:03:07] This microphone for me is a fantastic option at a great price point, probably more for audio only. If I was going to go video, then I would get the little sister of this, which is The Rode NT USB Mini, smaller price point, and it's actually the same microphone on the inside, apparently.

    [00:03:27] . If you have this microphone already, don't go and buy another microphone.

    [00:03:31] This microphone is great! You just need to learn how to use it a bit better. Have it closer to your face by a boom arm so that it's in the right position. Get a box, a trusty box, if nothing else, so that you can position it where you need to position it and this microphone will sound beautiful for you.

    [00:03:49] Now I'm just going to do a quick plosive test for you so that you can hear what the plosives are like. Popping the popcorn and sizzling the sausages. The s sound is for the sibilance to hear how it handles the higher frequencies. Popping the popcorn and sizzling the sausages. Now if we go back, popping the popcorn and sizzling the sausages.

    [00:04:11] There is no way I would ever be that far away from this microphone. Did you like the way this microphone sounds? And if you listen to a few others I have reviewed other microphones, which one's your favorite?

    [00:04:22] I would love to know that. I'm always up for more microphones and I'm always up for more microphone battles. That's what's going on. Thanks for joining me. And I'll talk to you soon


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