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Is your podcast content protected by copyright
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Is your podcast content protected by copyright

Copyright isn’t something you’d necessarily think about when you’re in podcasting, but it’s a factor you definitely need to consider. You can’t copyright a topic or idea, but the words you say in your podcast episodes belong to you. In this episode, I’m talking about whether your podcast content is protected by copyright, some of the legal considerations, and what you can do to make sure no one steals your stuff!

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Growing Your Podcast On YouTube
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Growing Your Podcast On YouTube

YouTube is now the third biggest way in the US that people listen to podcasts. In Australia, YouTube is number one! Very, very closely followed by Spotify and Apple. Honestly - if you feel that your target market is on YouTube, you have to get onboard with it.

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What is Google Podcasts Manager
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

What is Google Podcasts Manager

You may have assumed that Google’s all-knowing machine would’ve picked up your podcast and put it front and centre when showing search results but you actually have to do an extra step to get there.

In this episode, I’m sharing exactly what Google Podcasts Manager is and the reasons why it's such a useful tool for your podcast.

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Australian Podcast Industry Trends for 2022
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Australian Podcast Industry Trends for 2022

The latest research has come out from Edison Research in collaboration with Triton Digital and there are some particularly intriguing findings in relation to the world of podcasting in Australia for 2022.

I know you're SO enthused to read a title like that one, but truly this is information that you podcasters out there should all know.

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