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Podcasting statistics you need to track
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Podcasting statistics you need to track

Stats don’t lie people and it’s super fun to track the growth of your podcast over time to see how things are going. Make sure you’re with a podcast host who provides good statistics because there are some really useful things you can do with them.

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The best software to record your guest interviews
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

The best software to record your guest interviews

It’s a really great thing to have guests on your show but if the audio is dodgy, your listeners might struggle to keep tuning in.

So what’s the best way to record your guest episodes to get killer audio? There are many ways to go about it so in this episode, I run you through a few of them and break down some of the differences.

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Should I swear on my podcast
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Should I swear on my podcast

To swear, or not to swear...that is the question.

At the end of the day, it's always going to come back to your personal preference.

You make up your own rules when it comes to the content that you distribute on your podcast, but there are certain things to consider when it comes to using profanities in your show.

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The best podcast hosting platform
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

The best podcast hosting platform

There are a lot of podcast hosts out there and my pick of the litter is without a doubt, Buzzsprout. Trust me, I’ve used them all. Some are free, some cost a bit of money. Some are great and give you a whole bunch of other benefits and some are pretty clunky and annoying to use.

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Do I really sound like THAT
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Do I really sound like THAT

It's not a normal thing for us to hear ourselves in our own headphones right?

Understandably, it makes you feel a little uneasy.

But don’t stress - you don’t sound terrible! You’re just not used to the way your voice sounds.

I am so excited to give you some really useful tips that you can easily perform when you’re recording your podcast to help ensure that your voice is sounding amazing.

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