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Rode PodMic Review: USB vs XLR Input - Your Ultimate Audio Quality Guide
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Rode PodMic Review: USB vs XLR Input - Your Ultimate Audio Quality Guide

I often get asked, “What’s the difference between USB microphones and XLR microphones?” And my topline answer is always the quality of an XLR input will deliver a better audio result. In my pursuit to test the microphone thoroughly, I recorded the same passage from the book "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse" under various setups. These included: XLR input with and without a pop filter, USB input with and without a pop filter and USB input connecting the microphone directly to an iPad using the cable that comes with the microphone in the box.

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Behind the Podcast: Building Your Team and Filling Essential Roles
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Behind the Podcast: Building Your Team and Filling Essential Roles

Today, we're diving deep into the world of building a well-oiled and efficient podcast team. We'll be talking about how to delegate like a boss to take your podcast to new heights. If you are a solitary content creator, donning multiple hats becomes a necessity and you will be taking care of all (or most) of the roles discussed in this episode.

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What It Takes To Be An Award Winning Podcast
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

What It Takes To Be An Award Winning Podcast

I’ve had the opportunity to be a juror on a few podcasting industry awards this year, and it’s been quite eye-opening. Being in a position to evaluate and weigh in on what makes a good podcast has been an exciting milestone in my career. Today, I dive into the key learnings I've gained from this experience and provide you with insights to help you create a more captivating show.

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Australian Podcast Industry Trends 2023
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

Australian Podcast Industry Trends 2023

I am thrilled to delve into the latest statistics from Edison Research's Infinite Dial for 2023, focusing on the Australian Podcasting Industry Trends. I’m going to explore the key findings from the report, analyse their implications, and discuss the future outlook for podcasting in Australia.

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The Podcast Slump: How to Get Your Podcasting Groove Back
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

The Podcast Slump: How to Get Your Podcasting Groove Back

Today, we're going to tackle a common issue that many podcasters face: the podcast slump. If you're feeling unmotivated and your downloads aren’t trending upward, don't worry, I've got your back. In this episode, we'll explore the reasons behind the slump and discuss strategies to revive your show.

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AI tools we are embracing here at Bamby Media
Brianna Ansaldo Brianna Ansaldo

AI tools we are embracing here at Bamby Media

As we transition into a more digitally-driven era, technology continues to evolve rapidly, and businesses must adapt to keep up with the pace of change. One of the most significant advancements in technology in recent years has been the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). AI has revolutionised the way we work, making our jobs more manageable and efficient. Today, we will share some of the most game-changing AI tools that we use at Bamby Media to help our business run more efficiently.

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