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Stop doing this in your podcast intros
How many podcasts have you listened to where you feel like you’re never going to actually GET to the episode? There are these long introductions with theme music that seem to go on forever, then ad placements, and then perhaps an intro to the guest. It seems to be so long before you get what you clicked on.
Well today, I’m hopefully igniting a little fire in your belly to please do away with all of that nonsense.
Tools we love for podcast content ideation
In the world of podcasting, the key to a successful show lies in the quality of its content. We've all heard the phrase "Content is King," and it couldn't be more true for podcasts. But how do you consistently find good content to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more? Today I’m exploring some effective strategies to help you discover and create great content for your podcast.
Can you convert social media followers to podcast listeners with Emma Edwards
Emma Edwards is the host of popular money psychology podcast, The Broke Generation. She is a financial behaviour specialist, committed to helping people “get good with money”. One of the best things about her approach to podcasting in this space is that it’s free of financial jargon that makes it hard for the everyday person to connect with. She approached us a few years ago now to produce her podcast, and I’ve been so impressed with the quality of the content she provides and her ability to stay consistent.
With a following on Instagram of over 50k, I wanted to know how an audience of that size converts to podcast listeners. Research into social media behaviour tells us that a high portion of Gen-Z at least, find out about new podcasts from their social feeds. I was intrigued to find out whether this is for creators that I know.
It turns out that migrating your audience from one platform to another is no simple task. It requires a high level of consistency, a commitment to providing valuable content, creativity in how you let your social followers know about your podcast and acceptance that it won’t happen overnight.
How to establish goals for your podcast
No doubt you’ve probably heard the phrase “What got you here, won’t get you there”. It was made popular by executive coach and author, Marshall Goldsmith. Whenever I’m looking to expand something in my business or life, that phrase is a guiding light.
I apply this thinking to podcast strategy too. When we’re working with clients on a more in-depth level within our PodCoach service , or facilitating high level consultations I always ask them where they are currently, and where they want to get to.
The answer is often nuanced. A lot of the time they’re unsure really where they want to go, and they’re not tracking any results to see how far they’ve come. If you’re on this path too and you’re unsure what goals to set, or how to achieve them for your podcast, there are principles you can follow.
Rode NT USB Review: your microphone is too far from your mouth
Today we're taking an in-depth look at the Rode NT USB microphone, specifically for all you podcasters out there.
I run through the features including USB-only input, built-in pop filter, and standalone stand. I get my trusty shoebox out to make sure you can hear why the stand won't suffice for proper audio.
I also go through some potential issues, such as a noticeable background hum and the mic's size potentially obstructing your face on camera.
Treat Your Podcast As A Brand with Greg Wasserman
I recently had a super fun conversation with Greg Wasserman, Head of Growth, Partnerships, and Community at Castmagic. Greg is a multifaceted podcast expert, having sold podcast advertising, run three podcast listening platforms before joining Castmagic. I know that I don’t normally talk to folks who don’t have podcasts themselves, but I felt that Greg could add a lot of value for you podcasters out there.